Oil on canvas

5ft x 5ft (152cm x 152cm)

In slip frame, ready to hang.



“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

– Anais Nin –

When I visited Spike Island, I was struck by how stunningly beautiful it is, how wild and yet how much grows there.

It feels otherworldly – a strange edgy energy is pervasive. I couldn’t help thinking about all the pilgrims, monks and prisoners who have passed through. The island’s small surface area and it’s situation make it impossible to forget you are on an island. I wondered were those temporary residents taunted by the lapping tide from the far shore. Many must have contemplated making a swim for it! It would require courage to leave and maybe another courage to stay.

I think all of us in this quiet time have contemplated change – our personal precipice. For me making these big paintings is a personal jumping off point. When painting, I jot down notes – often a series of words – random ramblings and gems. For this Precipice – I noted:

Resilience – Connectedness – Home – Belonging

I think all of us – pilgrims, prisoners and painters – maybe sing to the same tune.