The Mission!
Monday! Honestly I love my job but some Mondays can feel like a mission.
Even when your work is as enjoyable as mine. While this is principally a painting diary, it would be remiss of me not to mention the myriad of considerations that are often at play behind the scenes. I realised early-ish on if you are painting full time, you are essentially in business. No one really wants to sully their work with commerce and yet worrying about the rent has less allure and does not a great painter make.
Today, this very Monday is a challenge. While painting this large piece this morning (above) Gabriels’ Oboe came on my spotify. It made me think I should call this piece ‘The Mission’ (it remains one of my favorite movies) as painting in spite of the swirl of concerns often feels like just that. I have felt for a long time as if my work is ‘holding on and letting go’. Letting go of all the concerns, ego etc and holding on for some magic, inspiration or the next right move.
This painting is warming up – it’s oil on canvas , 5 ft sq – and I am using a mix of oil bars, cold wax and good old Wallace Seymour oils. Leaving it here for today but more this week. I hope your Monday had some magic in it.